How Do Push-Ups Benefit You?

What benefits can push-ups bring you? It's a lot! Here we have summarized about 14 ways about how push-ups make you a better person physically and mentally!

Push-ups are commonly used as a strength building exercise. You perform push-ups by placing yourself in a horizontal position balancing on the hands and toes while facing down, then using the arms to raise and lower yourself. This may also be known as a press-up. Physical education or civilian athletic training will frequently incorporate push-ups into their routine. Push-ups help to train the midsection of the body while strengthening the core.

Benefits of Push-Ups for Certain Parts of the Body

  • Scapula. Push-ups move the scapula through a full range of motions while exercises such as bench presses limit the amount of movement the scapula performs. This exercise helps retract and depress the scap muscles to create a stable platform that can be used during other variations of this exercise.
  • Serratus anterior. Performing push-ups correctly will allow you to activate the serratus anterior while you are at the top of this motion. This muscle is usually inactive during other activities, but those that regularly perform motions over their head will need this muscle to be in good shape to prevent injury. If the serratus anterior is not performing properly, it may cause your scapula to wing which may jeopardize your stability and ability to rotate your arm upwards. In order to exercise this muscle during push-ups, make sure you are pushing yourself up off the floor as much as possible, perhaps even until the arms lock and do not let the torso sag. This can also help you build back strength that can limit your risk of back pain later.
  • Torso stability. Push-ups help you develop stability that will help you avoid lower back pain or injuries to this area. Push-ups allow you to activate your obliques more effectively than other exercises, allowing you to build strength within the torso and core musculature. This will help you develop the strength necessary to take pressure off the lower back.
  • Shoulder. Push-ups help you stabilize your shoulder girdle. Performing blast strap or medicine ball push-ups increases this benefit. Push-ups help you activate the prime movers in the shoulders so you can increase strength and function in these areas.

Other Benefits of Push-Ups You Must Know

  • Push-ups help you exercise the chest, abdominals and lower back while building strength in the quadriceps, eliminating your need to perform a wide variety of other exercises.
  • Women often prefer performing push-ups to other exercises like weight lifting, stretching or cardiovascular exercises that would help them get the same results.
  • Women often lack upper body strength. Push-ups can help women develop the necessary strength in these areas.
  • Doing push-ups helps women tone their butt, lower body, trunk and shoulders all in one workout. Women can work on a large variety of muscle groups at once, helping them get more out of their workout.
  • Wanna more benefits of push-ups? They allow women to stretch back and biceps while toning the triceps, chest and deltoids.
  • Push-ups can be performed at home without needing expensive exercise equipments, which can save you money on a gym membership and other startup costs.
  • Performing push-ups stimulates the metabolism and blood circulation, allowing you to burn more calories throughout the rest of your workout.
  • Studies have shown that performing push-ups can help increase testosterone levels, reducing risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Push-ups provide better results than many similar exercises. Many who include push-ups in their workout routine find that they can reach their fitness goals more easily than those following other forms of workouts. Among all benefits of push-ups, this one will defenitely impress you. 
  • Push-ups allow you to provide a full body workout, allowing you to access many muscle groups at once. You can work the quads, hamstrings, calves, chest, shoulders and arms all at the same time with a few push-ups. You will notice that performing push up reps regularly will help you get a more toned chest, shoulders, forearms, upper arms and wrists.



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