Calcium Deficiency: Types, Symptoms and Treatments

Calcium deficiency is very common in general population despite high content in various foods. Get to know the symptoms and learn treatments for it.

Calcium is one of the most important minerals needed by the body. It is an essential component of our bones, musculoskeletal structure and has a vital role in many metabolic functions. Mild to moderate deficiency of calcium can affect blood pressure regulation, electrolyte balance, and muscle contraction. What’s more, this may affect the capacity of the biological system to carry electrical impulses around the body, regulate the release of hormone and maintain the health of oral cavity. Healthcare providers recommend daily dietary allowance as a reference to ensure optimal intake in order to minimize the risk of deficiency.

Types of Calcium Deficiency

Since calcium is needed by the body in highly calculated amounts, it is necessary to maintain a constant supply of this mineral via supplements or diet. Men and women may differ in the levels of calcium that is needed per day. Here is a chart of the approved RDA (recommended daily amounts) to keep the body fit and nourished.


Amount (mg)











Pregnant and lactating teens


Pregnant and lactating adults


Despite the fact that many dietary sources are rich in calcium, approximately 75% American are deficient in this mineral. What’s more,low levels of calcium are associated with many degenerative and chronic disease (some are possibly life threatening), such as fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, blood pressure maintenance issues, cancer and different forms of allergies. To prevent this, it is necessary to identify different types of calcium deficiencies.

Two of the most commonly occurring calcium deficiency are as follows:


This condition refers to low calcium levels in the blood and can result from surgery, drug allergies, hypoparathyroidism and renal diseases. Cancers and malabsorption can also cause low calcium levels in the body.

Dietary Calcium Deficiency

This is a condition in which the diet is insufficient in calcium and does not fulfill the daily requirements. Such a condition may lead to long-term diseases such as osteoporosis, hormonal inefficiency, bone weakening and depletion of calcium stores.

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency


Dietary Calcium Deficiency



  • Bone pain
  • Possibilities of spinal cord fractures
  • Neck pain
  • Bone softening
  • Drooping posture
  • Decreased or stunted height
  • Bones fractured easily
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle numbness
  • Internal bleeding, leaving small red spots
  • Muscle cramping
  • Skin bruising
  • Bone deformity
  • Burning sensation

The above chart shows just some of many symptoms experienced by the person suffering from calcium deficiency; further complication can result in permanent bone damage, cardiac arrhythmias, altered mental state and hypertension. If you notice someone around you with a high pulse rate, pain in bone or chest and loss of consciousness, call your local hospital services immediately.

If you are already diagnosed with the deficiency, it is utmost necessary to follow the instructions and dose regimen suggested by you pharmacist or physician. Ensure regular checkups and maintain a log of any symptoms you feel even after taking the medicines and discuss them with your doctor.

Treatment of Calcium Deficiency

1.   Increase Intake of Calcium-rich Food

The primary and the most obvious treatment is to increase your dietary calcium intakes. Natural sources are the best ways to ensure healthy sources of calcium.These include vegetables, dairy products, etc. Here is a list of top natural food in the amount of calcium.


Calcium in 100g


120 mg

Mozzarella (non-fat)

961 mg

Low-fat yogurt

125 mg

Chinese cabbage

105 mg


350 mg


77 mg

Green snap beans

37 mg


47 mg


383 mg


264 mg

The video lists many products that contain rich calcium:

2.   Avoid Medications That May Cause Calcium Deficiency

Sometimes, many medications many cause deficiency in calcium, but in some cases these drugs cannot be avoided, especially during cancer treatment and some diseases that need diuretics. In such case, ask your doctor to adjust the drugs or offer alternatives wherever possible.

3.   Take Calcium Supplements

Using calcium supplements is an easy and convenient option for many individuals who are allergic to certain kinds of products or do not love certain kinds of food. In such a case, ask your doctor to prescribe calcium supplements.This can be taken once daily or on alternate days, depending on your body's calcium levels. Supplements come in forms of capsules, flavored suspensions, tablets and effervescent tablets.

4.   Take Exercise Regularly

Regular exercising is helpful in increasing bone strength and muscle mass, which will increases the level of calcium absorption. Maintaining regular calcium level is very important to keep up the metabolism of the body for everyday processes and to avoid diseases from occurring.



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