Dryness on Your Penile Shaft: Causes and Treatments

It is sure to be concerned when you feel dryness skin on your penile shaft. It could be allergy, Eczema or worse, STD. Know the cause and get it treated soon!

If you have dry skin on penile shaft and are dealing with serious discomfort, you're not alone. So many men have to deal with this situation for many different reasons. That dry skin on penis may become even uncomfortable when it begins to scale or crack in any way. Since it could happen due to different reasons, the treatment options will vary a lot as well. Sometimes, the issue is not that serious and you can fix it by making a few changes in hygiene. On other occasions, it could be more serious and require a physician's advice.

It is worth mentioning that a dry penis may put you in trouble for several weeks or the issue may resolve in a few days only. If it stays longer, it is sure to affect your libido, confidence, and sex life. It is therefore important that you do something about it and don't just hope for things to improve. You can definitely find certain remedies if you know the exact cause. Keep reading and save yourself from suffering in silence.

What Causes Dry Skin on Penile Shaft?

Even a dry spot on penis can make you feel uncomfortable, but it is important to know what causes this condition to find a right remedy. You may have to deal with this situation due to different dermatological conditions that may affect your penis and scrotum only or affect your whole body – you will find rashes on your body, including your genitals.

1. Irritation or Allergy

Have you recently had sex with your partner using a latex condom? Some men are allergic to latex and often end with dryness on penile shaft after using latex condoms. You may also be applying some lotions, creams, or powders on your penis. If you don't wash that cream or powder properly, this may cause a red scaly rash on your penis. Some of the common culprits are benzocaine, Benadryl cream, or Triple antibiotic ointments. You may as well be allergic to detergent residue on clothing – this may also lead to dry skin on penile shaft. Similarly, using a strong soap to wash your genitals may also lead to dry skin.


You should avoid using creams that you may be allergic to, and use a soap that may contain a moisturizer. Always use lukewarm water for cleaning. Doing this will leave some natural oils on your penis and prevent dryness.

2. Lubricating Agent

If you have sex with your partner who is not fully aroused, this may cause friction. It is a good idea to use a lubricating agent when having sex to avoid having dry, damaged skin.


You can always use a water-based lubricant to prevent the chafing action that irritates your skin. Be sure to use a moisturizing soap with lukewarm water after using a lubricant.

3. Psoriasis

You may have to deal with dry skin on penile shaft due to a skin condition called psoriasis in which the life cycle of your skin cells changes greatly. This often leads to rapid growth of skin cells – the extra skin cells on your penis or anywhere on your body will form silvery scales as well as dry, itchy and red patches. It is a long-lasting disease, but your symptoms may improve for no apparent reason. Trauma will make your penile psoriasis worse.


You may not be able to find a permanent cure, but you can use certain psoriasis treatments to find some relief. Using a nonprescription cortisone cream may also help.

4. Tinea Cruris

Tinea Cruris or jock itch is a fungal infection that causes red, itchy rash on the skin of your inner thighs, genitals, and buttocks. The ring-shaped rash may actually appear on any warm, moist areas of your body. It usually starts with a reddened area of skin in the groin and slowly spreads to your upper thigh as well. You may also notice small, raised blisters on the rash – you will also experience itching and notice your skin becoming scaly and flaky.


The good thing is that jock itch is not a serious condition, even though it will be quite uncomfortable. You can help correct the issue by cleaning your groin area and applying topical antifungal medications.

5. Eczema

Your skin may become red and scaly due to atopic dermatitis (eczema). It is a long-lasting condition and flare periodically but is not that serious on other occasions. Several factors cause eczema, such as immune system dysfunction, a gene variation, and environmental conditions. The most common symptoms are itching, which becomes serious at night; brownish patches on the feet, hands, wrists, ankles, upper chest, neck, knees, and the elbows. In infants, you may notice raised bumps that even leak fluid.


There is no cure for eczema, but you can take self-care measures to relieve your symptoms and prevent new outbreaks. Start with using mild soaps – avoid all types of irritants and keep your skin moist. You can use medicated ointments and creams for relief.

6. STDs

Your dry skin on penile shaft may indicate a sexually transmitted disease or STD. If you've been sexually active during the last few months and are now noticing dry skin or red patches on your penis, this could be due to a sexually transmitted disease.


You should see your doctor and explain your situation. They will perform certain tests to confirm if you have acquired a disease or it is something else.

When to See a Doctor

If you're not sure of what's the real cause of your rash or if it starts draining, or crusting, you should see your doctor. It is equally important to seek medical assistance if your rash is painful and swollen. It is important to provide your doctor with a complete list of supplements, medicines, and ointments you may have used to treat your condition. Also, share your sexual history for proper diagnosis.

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