How to Cook Sausage in the Oven: 4 Recipes

Cooking sausage in the oven lets you get a lot of flavor out of your meal. Combining different ingredients and types of sausages for tasty results.

Sausages are a common ingredient in a variety of cuisine. There are a variety of types of sausages available in the stores, each with a variety of flavors. You can use different types of sausages to create a variety of dishes that are quite tempting. Everything from stews to soups to simply consuming a link of roasted sausage on its own can make for a delicious meal. Cooking sausages in the oven is an easy way to prepare these dishes so you can start experimenting with new flavors.

How to Cook Sausage in the Oven

Recipe 1: Simple Baked Sausage with Potatoes


Baking is an easy way to cook sausage which can be handy when you have other foods to prepare. You do not have to worry about turning the sausages to protect them from burning. All you need to do is make sure that you have cooked the sausages all the way through before stopping the cooking process. Sausage and peppers is a common dish that is made using this cooking method.

  • Ingredients: Sausages, two onions, a red bell pepper, a yellow pepper, a green bell pepper, three white or red potatoes, a teaspoon basil and salt and pepper to taste.
  • Instructions: Combine all ingredients in a roasting dish and place the container in a 375 degree oven. Allow the ingredients to cook for 60 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the oven when the potatoes are tender and the sausages are no longer pink in the center. Remove from the heat and serve with freshly cooked pasta.

Recipe 2: Slow Cooked Sausage


  • Ingredients: six spicy Italian sausages, two thinly sliced red bell peppers, two thinly sliced red onions, two thinly sliced green bell peppers, two quartered tomatoes, two minced garlic cloves, a tablespoon tomato paste, a tablespoon olive oil, a teaspoon of fennel seeds, a teaspoon of salt and a half teaspoon of fresh ground black pepper.
  • Instructions: Place the sausages in a roasting pan and coat them in the olive oil. Cover them with the tomatoes, garlic, bell peppers, fennel, tomato paste, salt and pepper. Place the container in the oven for 5-7 hours on low heat, cooking until the vegetables are tender, the sausages are cooked through and the liquid in the pan has evaporated. This dish is frequently served over polenta or pasta.

Recipe 3: Pasta with Sausage


How to cook sausages in the oven? This recipe makes a delicious meal.

  • Ingredients: 12 links of sweet or hot turkey Italian sausage, one and a half cups of uncooked penne pasta, one and a half cups of baby spinach leaves, a can of diced tomatoes, two cups of chicken broth, two tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, two tablespoons minced garlic, two tablespoons chopped fresh basil and a tablespoon dry basil.
  • Instructions: Remove the sausages from their casings, placing the meat in a roasting tray with the olive oil. Roast the sausage meat in the oven for 5-6 minutes, removing them when it has turned brown. Add the tomatoes, chicken stock, tomatoes, penne pasta and dried basil and return the roasting tray to the oven. Cook the mixture until the pasta and sausage is cooked through. Add the spinach and leave the mixture in the oven until the leaves have wilted. Serve the finished dish with Parmesan cheese and the fresh basil sprinkled on top of each serving.

Recipe 4: Sausage with Scallops


For this dish you should make a point of using a spicy chorizo pork sausage rather than the milder Italian variety. Fresh scallops are also ideal for getting the right flavor out of the dish. This dish cooks quickly so it is ideal for use as an appetizer.

  • Ingredients: 12 links of chorizo sausage, four tablespoons of fresh chopped parsley, 400 grams of small scallops, two tablespoons lemon juice and a fourth of a cup dry white wine.
  • Instructions: Cut your sausages into thick disks and place them in a shallow baking tin without any oil, cooking them in the oven until they are roasted through. Place the cooked sausage in a bowl and add the scallops to the baking tin, allowing them to sit in the remaining juices from the sausages. Cook the scallops in the oven for two minutes then add the sausage back into the tin. Cover the mixture in the white wine and lemon juice. Allow this liquid to reduce by half and remove the tin from the oven. Add a generous amount of chopped parsley and serve.

Recipe 5: Sausage with Omelet


How to cook sausages in the oven? This serves good at any meal. 

  • Ingredient: Six sausages cut in thick slices, four small potatoes cut in chunks, six eggs, a tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil, a half teaspoon ground pepper and a fourth teaspoon sea salt.
  • Instructions: Place your potatoes in a saucepan full of water and the sea salt, allowing them to simmer until they are cooked through then drain into a colander. Crack your eggs in a bowl, whisking with salt and pepper. Take an ovenproof frying pan and heat the olive oil, adding the potatoes and sausages to fry. Cook them through and set aside. Pour the egg mixture into a dish, adding the sausages and potatoes. Spread the eggs so they sit evenly, cooking until the omelet is golden brown on top. Serve the finished dish with a green salad.

Tips and Warnings for Cooking Sausage

After you buy your sausages, keep them stored in the refrigerator until you are ready to use them. Make sure you cook with your sausages within 2 days of purchasing them or preparing them for use. If you are not planning on making your dish within this time frame, make sure you use a vacuum seal or your freezer to keep them fresh. If you need to defrost frozen sausages, do not allow them to sit on the counter. Instead allow them to defrost in the refrigerator or use the defrost setting on your microwave. If you defrost the meat in the microwave make sure you use them immediately afterward. Sausage can carry meat-borne bacteria that can be dangerous so always use a meat thermometer to help make sure your sausages are cooked through before consuming.



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