Olive Oil for Your Hair: Benefits and Uses

Do you know you can use olive oil to keep hair growth and maintain healthy and shining? Different methods of using olive oil on the hair are detailed here.

With a variety of ways to style hair these days, it can really take a beating; whether from a curling iron, straightening iron, or coloring products. Altering your hair on a regular basis can make you look great, but can unfortunately take a toll on its quality. Many hair products contain chemicals that may damage you hair over time. This is not to say that you should not experiment with different hairstyles. However, it is beneficial to know some options for taking proper care of your hair on a regular basis.

The best way to get your hair healthy and strong is by using a natural method to counteract the effects of any harsh chemicals. There are various ways to naturally maintain your hair, but one you may already have in your kitchen cabinet is olive oil.

Benefits of Olive Oil for Hair Growth

The benefits of using olive oil on stressed out hair strands are abundant.

  • One of the most shocking benefits of olive oil is that it can prevent and even cure hair loss. When people lose hair, it is due to a hormone responsible for the shrinkage of the hair follicle shaft. However, the production of that hormone, called DHT (dihydrotestosterone), is hampered when olive oil is applied to the scalp.
  • The overall health of the scalp also benefits from olive oil. A healthy scalp equates to healthy hair. And the natural conditioner properties of olive oil add moisture to the scalp: an area that people tend to neglect.
  • Besides healing a scaly and dry scalp; olive oil makes hair soft and shiny. Take a look at the products in the hair care aisle at your local retailer, you will find many of them now claim to contain olive oil. This is for good reasons.
  • Olive oil also has antibacterial properties and antifungal properties that fight off common scalp and hair problems. Head lice and dandruff are two examples of conditions that can be either prevented or hampered by the application of olive oil to the scalp.

How to Use Olive Oil for Hair Growth

Once you know the benefits of using olive oil for healthy hair growth, you will want to know the easiest way to apply it. The answer is simple:

  • Just pour a small amount in your palms and massage it into your scalp gently, and continue down to the end of your strands. For approximately a half hour after your hair is coated, keep your hair wrapped with a damp towel or shower cap in order to give it time to soak into the scalp and hair itself. Be sure to wash and condition your hair after the treatment as you normally would.
  • There is a simple way to make your own conditioner with olive oil. Try combining approximately half a cup of olive oil with one egg yolk and a few drops of lemon juice in a small bowl. Stir well to combine and add the mixture to your scalp, making sure to get the entire head of hair coated. You may need more or less depending on the length. Leave the homemade conditioner in for 15 minutes and simply rinse.
  • For using olive oil for hair growth, you can also use your microwave to make a deep conditioning paste by adding fragrant honey and cinnamon. Into a microwave-safe bowl, add 1 cup of olive oil and heat for approximately ten seconds until it is warm: not hot. Then add approximately ¼ cup of honey and a teaspoon of cinnamon powder. Mix them well into paste and apply to the hair, leaving it on for fifteen minutes. Rinse with a shampoo to make sure to get rid of any sticky honey residue. Repeat at least once per week.

With the variety of olive oils on the market, it can be easy to get confused as to which you should buy for healthy hair growth. It is best to always purchase extra virgin olive oil, as this type is processed without the use of chemicals and is in its purest form. You may also want to experiment with different types of oil added to the extra virgin olive oil. Combine equal parts of extra virgin olive oil with sweet almond oil which helps prevent split ends and improves circulation of the scalp.

Taking care of your hair naturally does not have to involve a variety of expensive and ineffective hair products. The benefits of using olive oil for hair growth are not only effective and natural, but also budget-friendly. So try it next time!



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