What Causes the White Spots on Your Face?

Facial white spots can occur due to a number of reasons, of which conditions can be mild or severe. People affected with this problem should obtain medical advice to diagnose.


A person with perfectly healthy facial skin may suddenly notice that there are white spots appearing on their face. While often harmless, white spots on the skin can occur due to a number of reasons. The condition can be mild or severe, and generally covers the majority of the skin on a particular area of the body. They may also cause irritation or itching. The occurrence of whites on the face can be extremely distressing. What are the causative conditions? When should you worry? And fortunately, there are treatments for white spots on face.

Causes of White Spots on Face

White spots on the face occur for various reasons. Understanding some of these reasons may be beneficial in treating the condition. Furthermore, understanding the cause can also help people avoid certain circumstances that increase the risk.

1. Tinea Versicolor

This is a chronic fungal infection of the skin. Also known as pityriasisversicolor, this fungus causes discolored patches on the skin as it interferes with the normal pigmentation. The color of the patches may be darker or lighter than the surrounding skin and most often, affects the back and trunk of adolescent males. Exposure to sunlight, hot, humid weather, oily skin and excessive sweating may aggravate the condition.

2. Vitiligo

This is a skin condition that results in the loss of melanocyte pigmentation of the skin. This results in white patches that feel as if it is part of the skin. The cause of vitiligo is unclear although it is believed to be an autoimmune disease. However, mild trauma to any area of the skin including the face can also result in the development of vitiligo. Vitiligo can affect the face, hands and feet, elbows and genital area.

3. Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis

White spots on the face may also be due to Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis, a skin condition resulting in 2 to 5 mm flat, white spots commonly found on the shins and forearms. This skin condition mostly affects fair skinned people, although it may occur in dark skinned individuals too. The white spots may occur more commonly in people over the age of 40.

4. Pityriasis Alba

This skin condition is common in children aged 6 to 12. It is a rash that appears on the face, neck and arms, and is not easily differentiated between normal skin. The rash may be covered with skin flakes resembling light dust. The cause of Pityriasis Alba is not known and is often considered as a form of eczema. This condition is often mistaken with vitiligo. However, while vitiligo has a distinct border, Pityriasis Alba does not.

Treatments for White Spots on Face

The medical treatment for white spots depends entirely on the root cause that underlies the condition. There are certain things that you can try to accelerate the process of treatment and improve the appearance of your face. Some of these mentioned treatments are professional while others are home remedies.

Medical Treatments

  • Anti-fungal creams and lotions, such as, clotrimazole and miconazole can help treat tineaversicolor.
  • Vitiligo is not an easily treated skin condition. Yet, various treatment options, such as, photo therapy, skin grafting and depigmentation treatment are known to be effective.
  • Doctors may also prescribe corticosteroid creams or ointments and topical medication, such as Oxsoralen.

Home Remedies

If you were to try out some home remedies for white spots, there are few options that target different causes.

  • For treating vitiligo, consumption of ginger juice is recommended as it promotes blood flow. neem seed oil applied to the affected area will also bring beneficial results.
  • Idiopathic Guttate Hypomelanosis may not require treatment as it is harmless. However, topical steroids and retinoids may help treat the condition.
  • Treatment for Pityriasis Alba may not be necessary although the application of a moisturizer or hydrocortisone creams may help the disappearance of these patches.
  • Washing the face with mild soaps and exfoliating the skin at least twice a week with a honey, rice, turmeric and sandalwood powder paste can treat Tinea Versicolor.

Now you have a better idea whether the white spots on face is normal or something to be worried about. 



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