13 Best Supplements to Reverse Your Hair Loss

Hair loss needs proper diagnosis and tailored treatment. But for many, some natural supplements can also help. Try the 13 supplements for good results.

While hair loss is a natural occurrence, losing too much hair may result from an underlying medical condition. The unique genetic makeup of different individuals is the reason why some people are more likely to lose hair (alopecia) than others. If you are losing too much hair, you can benefit from using some supplements. These supplements aid hair growth and may also reduce loss of hair. However, you may also need to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis and appropriate treatment if necessary.

Supplements for Hair Loss

1. Vitamin A

Vitamin A is among the most important supplements for healthy hair in addition to overall health. However, excess vitamin A has harmful effects. Every cell in the body including those responsible for growth of hair requires vitamin A. Deficiency can lead to dry hair and loss of hair.

Benefits of vitamin A for hair: It has antioxidant properties and helps to moisturize the scalp. It also helps fight free radicals which weaken hair and cause it to fall.

You can get natural vitamin A supplements by way of diet by including vitamin A-rich foods like dark leafy veggies, cantaloupe, carrots, eggs, poultry, fish, liver, red meat and cream.

2. Vitamin B

You can get vitamin B complex for hair loss in various combinations, including those with B6, biotin and B12. Note that stress can lead to loss of hair and B vitamins help in stress reduction. B12 and biotin are especially important for growth of healthy hair.

Benefits of vitamin B for hair: complex vitamins help reduce graying of hair besides promoting growth.

Natural B complex supplementation can be found in foods such as oats, bananas, green leafy veggies, avocados, cauliflower, citrus fruit, legumes, meat and dried fruits.

3. Vitamin C

Supplementing with vitamin C helps reduce hair loss through its antioxidant activity. Inadequate vitamin C intake is one of the causes of falling hair and other associated issues including split ends and dry hair.

Benefits of vitamin C for hair: Regular intake of moderate amounts of vitamin C ensures that your hair is healthy, thick and strong. Antioxidant properties of vitamin C helps fight the free radicals which damage hair. The vitamin also encourages collagen biosynthesis for hair growth.

Natural vitamin C supplementation can come from lemons and other citrus fruits including oranges, lime and grapefruit. Increasing your intake of fresh citrus fruits can help fight loss of hair.

4. Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a role in hormone production. Its deficiency can lead to hormonal imbalance which may cause hair fall. When thinking about supplements for hair loss, consider increasing your intake of vitamin D. Its recommended daily dose is 400 IU.

Benefits of vitamin for hair: It enhances immune functions, is antimicrobial and therefore helps protect the scalp from issues like psoriasis which may cause irritation and loss of hair.

Natural vitamin D supplementation is available from the sun rays, especially early in the morning. You can also prevent deficiency by eating natural vitamin D foods like egg yolk, tuna, salmon, beef liver, fortified milk and orange juice.

5. Vitamin E

You might be conversant with vitamin E as a skin softening vitamin, but it is also essential for a healthy scalp and hair. It is rich in antioxidants and will therefore support growth of healthy and strong hair. Vitamin E deficiency leads to increased free radicals which can cause hair damage and hair fall.

Benefits of vitamin E for hair: Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help in the fight against free radicals and inflammation thereby leading to a healthy scalp and healthy hair.

Natural vitamin E supplementation can be achieved by eating nuts such as walnuts and almonds as well as green leafy veggies.

6. Folic Acid

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9 is necessary for growth of hair. It is involved in the renewal of cells necessary for growth of hair. Deficiency in folic acid can lead to premature gray hair and hair fall.

Benefits of folic acid for hair: It promotes breakdown and assimilation of nutrients which can play a role in the growth of healthy hair.

Folic acid supplementation can be achieved by eating foods like bananas, tomatoes, beans, dairy products, green leafy veggies, cereals, mushroom, legumes, eggs, fish and meat.

7. GLA

GLA or gamma-linolenic acid, is an essential omega-6 fatty acid that is mainly found in plant -based oils.

Benefits of GLA for hair: GLA is anti-inflammatory and also nourishes the scalp which leads to healthy hair.

Natural GLA supplementation can be achieved through diet in form of oils such as primrose oil. You can also take it in capsule form at a dosage of 500mg two times daily as supplements for hair loss.

8. Lysine

An essential amino acid, lysine is part of the building blocks of the body that comprise protein which is also the material with which hair is made. Increasing lysine content in diet can reduce loss of hair and increase hair growth.

Benefits of lysine for hair: It stimulates collagen production and therefore helps to repair and grow hair. Additionally, lysine is antiviral which helps to improve the health of your scalp.

Natural lysine supplementation is achieved by eating eggs and meat regularly. You need 500 mg of lysine per day.

9. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Similar to omega-6, omega-3 fatty acids are essential for good health. Insufficient intake inhibits hair growth.

Benefits of omega 3 fatty acids for hair: Nourish hair, thereby promoting growth and regrowth of healthy hair.

Natural omega-3 supplementation is achieved by consuming fish, more so sardines and salmon. You can also get omega-3 by eating flax seeds, walnuts and eggs. You need to take one tablespoon of fish oil to get adequate amount of omega 3 fatty acids daily in order to prevent and stop hair loss. Eating some walnuts before breakfast helps improve absorption of omega-3 fatty acids.

10. Zinc

Zinc is required for hormonal balance, proper absorption of vitamins and healthy immunity. By extension, it is one of the necessary supplements for hair loss. Zinc deficiency can lead to thinning and loss of hair.

Benefits of zinc for hair: It promotes cell reproduction and repair and new growth of hair.

Natural zinc supplementation can be achieved by consuming zinc-rich foods like beans, grain, mushroom, fish and chicken. You can also increase your zinc intake by taking zinc tablet at doses of 15 mg for around 10 days per month.

11.  Iron

Iron is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body. It is essential for health and for hair growth. Iron is critical for transport of oxygen throughout the body. It is also involved in the regulation of growth and differentiation of cells. Iron deficiency due to low intake or conditions like anemia or excessive bleeding can cause hair loss.

You can get abundant amounts of iron by eating foods like organ meats, red meats, oyster, clam, spinach and lentils.

12.  Selenium

The human body requires trace amounts of selenium and its deficiency along with zinc deficiency can lead to loss of hair due to a weakening of the immune function. A weak immune system affects the body’s ability to process protein for production of hair.

Selenium occurs naturally in soil and ends up in plants. You get adequate amounts of selenium supplements for hair loss by eating grains and meats from animals that graze in selenium-rich fields.

13.  Saw Palmetto Extract

Saw palmetto extract is processed from the fruit of a tree known as American dwarf pine. Some studies involving the use of the extract found 60 percent of palmetto extract users experienced an improvement of hair growth compared to only 10 percent of those who received a placebo.



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